EP 22: Must Have Resources for Creative Speakers


There are so many resources out there for Creative Speakers that it can feel overwhelming sometimes! Today I want to break down every single must have resource that I use for my speaking business as a creative entrepreneur in hopes of helping you along your own speaking journey. I’m covering everything I use from the software, the workflows, the techie gadgets, and items that I pack with me. I am excited to bring them all to you in one episode so it can be your one stop shop for all the resources you need to add speaking to your business.

If you loved this episode and it motivated you to add speaking to your business, I’d love for you to leave me some positive feedback on iTunes and tell me about your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us @thecreativespeakerpodcast.

Episode takeaways you don’t want to miss:

  • When it comes to speaking, you don’t have to have everything perfect to get started!

  • One of the best things you can do to prepare yourself as a creative speaker is to have an organized system in which you schedule events, store presentation, manage contracts, and more.

  • By creating a “rinse and repeat” process that you can use for every speaking event, you will save yourself the time and hassle of creating the same document each time.

  • Taking care of your voice and your body before you speak is just as important as the behind the scenes prep work.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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*Affiliate links may be included above. However, we only share resources with you that we personally use and love!