224: How to Stay Motivated with Speaking When the World is on Fire

The world feels like a heavy place to live in right now. Things feel broken, maybe even irreparable. Whether you’re directly affected by current events, feel anxious about what’s happening in the world, or are going through something personal, it’s understandable if you’re having a hard time serving your people.

How do you stay motivated with speaking when you don’t actually feel motivated? How can you show up on stage to motivate, lead, or inspire others to take action when everything sucks? And what’s the point if it feels like we can’t make a difference?

I’m here to help, my friend. Let’s talk tips on staying motivated and taking care of yourself when it feels like the end of the world.

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Tip #1: Give yourself grace.

The first thing I want you to do when you’re not feeling motivated to speak? Give yourself a break. You’re a human being that has emotions. That’s completely okay. (Says the person who likes to pretend she doesn’t have feelings. I’m working on it!) 

Try not to compare what you’re feeling with someone else’s experience; i.e., “I have nothing to complain about, that person is struggling with much worse things!” That won’t make you feel better. Avoid tearing yourself down, but also, don’t try to “solve” your feelings. Simply notice how you feel and accept them. 

An easy way to do this is to just name what you’re feeling. “I feel worried. I feel stressed. I feel like I want to curl up in a blanket and hibernate on my couch.” There you go. You’re showing yourself grace. 

Tip #2: Turn off the noise.

If you’re constantly surrounded by doom and gloom — the news, social media, people who aren’t great for your mental health — then it’s really freaking hard to stay positive and motivated. What you consume will affect how you feel and what you send back into the world.

Be mindful of what you’re watching, listening to, reading, and paying attention to. What’s building you up, and what’s tearing you down? Who’s supporting you, and who bailed on you when you needed them most?

Don’t be afraid to mute, block, or unfollow when it’s necessary. Ditch the accounts and friends who make you question your worth. Say goodbye to people who bring you down. Limit your news sources if the constant stream of information on socialon social mediamedia is becoming too much.

And don’t let others make you feel bad for doing all this, either. There are people who say you have to be raising awareness, you have to have difficult conversations 24/7, you have to stay on top of the news. Or else you’re lazy and selfish. Not true. Tune them out and do what’s best for you.

Tip #3: Fill your cup.

You’ve accepted your feelings and you’re setting boundaries to filter and limit the harmful noise. Next, I want you to fill your cup. Care for yourself and do things that feel good. When was the last time you practiced self-care?

Maybe it’s working out, or maybe it’s enjoying quiet time reading a book. It could be therapy, or it could be making art. Maybe you take care of your garden and chickens (that’s me) or you spend time with a few close friends. Whatever you choose will put you in a better space to serve others from the stage.

Remember: self-care isn’t selfish. You can’t show up for other people and give them your best if you aren’t at your best. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take the time to fill your cup and let it nourish you.

You’re doing great work — keep doing your thing.

It’s easy to feel hopeless and believe that the world is too broken for our work to make a difference. You’re just one person, right? What’s the point of getting on stage and delivering a talk when awful things continue to happen around the world?

While you can’t fix everything — you are just one person — you can impact the lives of the people around you, directly and indirectly, by speaking. Think about how many people you impact who will go out and impact others for the better. You are doing great work that matters. Keep going.

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